Register for the 2018 MTA Conference - Worlds Without Number
The 2018 conference of the Mormon Transhumanist Association (MTA) will be held on Saturday 7 April 2018 from 9:00am to 9:00pm in Provo, Utah, at the Provo Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The theme of the conference is “Worlds without Number” with a focus on the intersection of transhumanism, religion, and the numerous stories and narratives that humans have recounted to one another from their earliest beginnings.
Keynote speakers include Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, a professor of Chinese history with published work on global Mormonism (particularly in China) and Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of BioViva: a biotech corporation targeting cellular aging that develops therapies to regenerate muscle and tissue. The conference will also feature Bryan Johnson, founder of Kernel, OS Fund, and Braintree.
We have many other wonderful speakers you won't want to miss! We hope you will be able to register and bring a guest. This is a great way to make your conference experience even better by sharing what inspires you about Mormon Transhumanism with a family member or a friend.
If you aren't already a member of the MTA, this is also a great time to consider becoming a voting member. As part of a voting membership, you would be entitled to complimentary admission to the conference and 50% off for a guest. The complimentary admission is a great way to offset a significant portion of the regular voting membership cost or the reduced voting membership cost for students, unemployed, retired, or residents of less-developed countries
Register for the conference today. We look forward to seeing you there!
Keynote Speakers
Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye is a professor of Chinese history at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her first book, China and the True Jesus, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press and tells the story of the True Jesus Church and charismatic Christian modes in China in the twentieth century. Her published research includes work on global Mormonism, particularly in greater China. Dr. Inouye has taught Chinese history and Asian history at California State University Los Angeles and Loyola Marymount University, and American religious history at the University of Hong Kong. In addition to her academic work, Inouye has written numerous essays on Mormonism and her lived experience as a Mormon woman in the twenty-first century.
Elizabeth Parrish is CEO of BioViva, a biotech corporation targeting cellular aging that develops therapies to regenerate muscle and tissue. BioViva believes everyone deserves access to these life saving therapies. Elizabeth is a humanitarian, entrepreneur, innovator, and a leading voice for genetic cures. As a strong proponent of progress and education for the advancement of regenerative medicine modalities, she serves as a motivational speaker to the public at large for the life sciences. She is actively involved in international educational media outreach and is a founding member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA). She is an affiliated member of the Complex Biological Systems Alliance (CBSA), which is a unique platform for Mensa based, highly gifted persons who advance scientific discourse and discovery. The mission of the CBSA is to further scientific understanding of biological complexity and the nature and origins of human disease. She is the founder of BioTrove Investments LLC and the BioTrovePodcasts which is committed to offering a meaningful way for people to learn about and fund research in regenerative medicine.
Special Guest Speakers
Bryan Johnson is the founder of Kernel, OS Fund, and Braintree. He founded Kernel in 2016, investing $100M of his personal capital to build advanced neural interfaces to treat disease and dysfunction, illuminate the mechanisms of intelligence, and extend cognition. In 2014, Bryan invested $100M to start OS Fund to support inventors and scientists who aim to benefit humanity by rewriting the operating systems of life. His OS Fund investments include endeavors to cure age-related diseases and radically extend healthy human life to 100+, make biology a predictable programming language, digitize analog businesses, replicate the human visual cortex using artificial intelligence, expand humanity’s access to resources, reinvent transportation using autonomous vehicles, and reimagine food using biology, among others. In 2007, Bryan founded Braintree, an online and mobile payments provider. In 2012, Braintree acquired Venmo. Bryan and his team worked tirelessly to build an exceptional company—one that they loved, and one that was worthy of frequent love letters from its customers. In 2013, Braintree was acquired by PayPal for $800M. Bryan is an outdoor-adventure enthusiast (mountains, volcanoes, arctic dog sledding), pilot and author of a children's book, Code 7.